
Why Trees Need To Be Felled


Tree felling entails the removal of live trees. Conventional equipment and a variety of processes are frequently required, to safely ground these tree logs. When a tree’s well-being or the well-being of others is threatened, tree felling becomes imperative.

Fallen tree

Tree felling is a complex process that necessitates the use of specialized equipment and skilled labor. Untrained individuals who attempt to fall massive trees put themselves in danger. Which is why you should always look to hire San Fernando Valley tree service professionals – licensed arborists and tree experts have all of the necessary knowledge, experience and tools to complete the job safely and efficiently.

What is the Purpose of Tree Felling?

Trees are a valuable asset to the environment. Their contributions to the ecosystem are immense, so it does seem absurd that we even consider chopping them down at all. Here are reasons for felling trees:

To safeguard structures

Trees growing in residential areas are likely to be cut down as soon as their roots begin to cause structural damage to buildings. If the building is laid on clay soil, it stands a higher risk of cracks during the summer. There are trees whose tap roots won’t damage a building’s foundation. Regardless, there are other above-ground damages that a tree can cause to a building. For instance, overgrown branches can wreck sidewalks, pavements, and even the roof of a building. There’s no other method to stop the trees from causing harm to the building, so felling becomes the only alternative.

Space management

Cutting down a tree becomes the only alternative when there’s no other space to erect buildings. Also, if renovations are being made to a marked area and the trees do not fit in with the new layout, they will be cut down. Furthermore, cutting down trees also paves the way for open land for further use.

To cut down the spread of diseases

If there is an outbreak of pests and disease among an influx of trees, cutting down the affected trees could be an effective remedy to curb the situation. Even though often, after cutting down these trees, other measures must be taken to curb the spread. After the felling and mass tree treatment, new trees of a resistant variety should be planted to replace felled trees. If the tree has not been too far damaged, its wood can be recycled for woodwork.

To thin forests

Thinning forests is an avid method of reducing the density of these forests to increase the value of trees. When several trees are removed, there is less risk of fire outbreaks and more room for wildlife to roam freely. Growth can be hindered when the competition between the existing trees is tough. Removing some of these trees will give the others room to thrive, improving growth.

For the production of timber and woodwork

Wood production is among the core reasons why trees are felled. Wood cannot be harvested if the trees are not cut down. Timber is a valuable resource to both private industries and the public economic sector. Some trees have more economic value than others. These economic trees are always in high demand and can generate passive income for the parent company. The uses of wood are diverse and immense in their diversities. After harvest, they are often distributed to the sites to be processed into finished woodwork. Or, they can simply be sold as logs, and they still would generate substantial revenue.

Chopping tree

What Are the Five Steps of Tree Felling?

Site assessment is the first procedure of tree felling. When you access the area where the marked trees are situated, you get an insight into the best method and how to handle any eventuality. If it’s a busy or residential area, you should send out a notice to individuals close by. If possible, a curfew should be laid on the day the tree is to be felled. This will be ideal if there are many trees to be felled or if the tree is huge.

Before a tree is felled, it must be properly studied. Evaluate the areas the branches face and the most likely felling direction. Also, pay attention to the size of the tree and decide on the most suitable felling method for it. In addition, tree felling should be the last resort if all other conservation methods have failed. If the tree is being plundered by pests or diseases, assessing the tree would help you figure out better alternatives to salvage it. Furthermore, the fibers are likely to deteriorate if pests or diseases infest a tree. Take note of this and keep yourself out of harm during the feeling.

  • Inspect the area and plan an escape route

After the tree has been inspected, the next step would be guaranteeing your safety while cutting. Without proper care, tree felling casualties could occur, and they could be deadly. If the area is thick and full of twigs that may obstruct your escape, clear them out and have a clear pathway. Evaluate the slope of the ground as well, and appraise the height and lean of the tree; all of these are essential to your safety.

  • Pick the safest felling technique

The tree size is a major determinant of what tree felling method is to be used. Though traditional methods can be handy and effective, using chemicals remains a superior alternative in terms of safety and effectiveness. However, you should choose what method to go for after considering factors such as the tree size, the ground slope, and your preference and budget.

  • Prepare the tree, then go for it

It would be best to clear out buttress roots, make directional cuts on the trunks, and cut down tree roots. All of this was a way for a smooth feeling process. Also, it guarantees your safety during the process. Preparing the tree may not be necessary if you’re employing the chemical methods of tree felling.


Tree felling becomes warranted when the tree gets damaged, begins to wreck structures, or no longer fits the layout. Income generation is another valid reason why trees are felled. Tree felling can be dangerous if the due process is not followed. This is why it is best advised to hire experienced professionals to come to do their thing.


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