Let’s face it: roof repairs can get expensive in a hurry. If you’re a homeowner, you probably know that getting a total tear-off and replacement can easily cost you as much as $15-20K, even for a relatively small house. If you have a larger home, the cost will only go up. If you look at your roof and can see that it’s in pretty poor condition due to age, weather damage, or other factors, there’s probably no option but to contact a residential and commercial roofing contractor. These individuals don’t come cheap, but at least you’ll know you’re getting the job done right.
What about roof repair jobs that don’t require a total tear-off and replacement, though? What about replacing a few shingles that have blown off in a storm? Doing those kinds of repairs might appeal to you if you’re the sort of person who likes to save some money with DIY work. However, not just everyone should tackle this sort of job. Let’s discuss how you can figure out whether fixing your roof on your own makes sense for your particular situation.
Are You Afraid of Heights?
Let’s start with what, for most people, will be the most relevant factor in a roof repair scenario. How do you feel about heights? We’ll use the example of a few shingles blowing off in a storm. You know that your roof is relatively new, so you probably don’t need to do a total tear-off. You can always call a roofer and have them come over to do the job, but maybe you want to save some cash, or you know that the contractors in your area have a long waiting list. While replacing those shingles yourself might be a tempting prospect, you might feel like this task is beyond your capabilities if you don’t like heights very much. Maybe you experience vertigo when you’re on a roof or when you’re approaching the first big hill on a roller coaster.
There’s no shame in feeling nervous around heights. It happens to a lot of people. If you know that once you get up on your roof or to the top of a ladder, you will start to feel queasy or dizzy, it’s best to leave this job to the professionals. Calling an expert roofer might cost more, and it might take more time to get someone there, but at least you won’t have to worry about potentially falling and hurting yourself.
Are You Willing to Take the Risk?
Maybe you’re not afraid of heights, and you’re eager to get up there and start this DIY job. Before you do so, though, you should think about the risk factor. Doing DIY projects that require you to get up on top of your house is inherently riskier than ones where you get to stay on solid ground. Climbing up on your roof, even if heights don’t bother you, is potentially dangerous. If you slip or trip over something while you’re up there, serious injury or even death is possible. If you’re fearless and feel confident in your own abilities, then you can proceed. If not, you’re better off calling in the pros for this job.
Do You Have the Proper Equipment?
If you’re not afraid of heights and feel sure you won’t hurt yourself, the next factor is whether or not you have all the tools and materials for the job. You’ll need to look at the damage and try to ascertain what you’ll need. If you’re looking at some wind or storm damage, you’ll presumably need some replacement shingles. You can usually get those at a Home Depot, a Lowe’s, or some similar establishment in your area. You’ll also need a ladder large and stable enough to get you up onto the roof. You’ll need a flat prybar, a hammer, a utility knife, and some nails of the proper length. If you already have most of that, then you’re good to go. If you don’t have any of it, you’ll need to head to the hardware store or order them from an online entity like Amazon.
Do You Trust Your Own Abilities Enough?
The last factor that goes into whether you should tackle this kind of DIY project yourself is whether you trust your abilities enough to do the job the right way. The average homeowner probably doesn’t know all that much about roof repairs. After all, you likely didn’t receive any formal training in this area. You’ll probably have to watch some YouTube videos to see what technique you’ll need to use before you get up on that roof. Some people are capable of small DIY projects, but replacing roof shingles might be a little too ambitious for them. When you are attempting to determine whether to contact a professional roofer or not, you’ll need to assess your home improvement skill level honestly.
What projects have you attempted up till now? Do you find that home improvements come easily to you, or have the previous projects you’ve attempted ended in disaster? If you think you have the skills to do this kind of job, then don’t let feelings of hesitation or trepidation stop you. Once you have the materials and tools you need, and you’ve watched a few videos to get yourself ready, scramble up that ladder and get to work. However, if you feel at all nervous that you don’t have the skill set to do the job right, there’s no shame in contacting a professional roofer at this point. The one thing you want to be sure not to do is make the situation worse.
Many people can usually do a little DIY roof repair work if they take the time to familiarize themselves with the techniques and tools required. If you look into doing the repairs yourself and feel you’re better off leaving it to the pros, though, you should have no trouble finding a roofer in your area.
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