
How To Be A Good Neighbor In 5 Simple Steps


Are you moving into your own house for the first time? Are you moving to a new neighborhood? Do you want to rebuild your relationship with your current neighbors? Whatever your reason for wanting to become a better neighbor, you have come to the right place. We are all busy with our jobs, our family, and looking after our health – it is completely understandable that being a good neighbor isn’t the first thing on our minds all the time.

How To Be A Good Neighbor In 5 Simple Steps

In this article, we are going to share with you a few tips that will help you to become a better neighbor – even when you are short on time, even when you are exhausted, and even when you have a million and one other things to worry about.

#1 – Let Your Neighbors Know You Are There To Help Them

One of the best ways to be a good neighbor is to communicate with the people around you. If you don’t know where to start, think of something you really like doing that other people hate, or a task that you could do for your neighbor and let them know you’re happy to help. For example, let them know that if they’re ever away or super busy, you will be happy to take their bins out for them on bin night. Or maybe you love painting, let them know that if they ever need to paint a room, you’d be happy to pop round and help them.

#2 – Check In On Them

You would be surprised by how few people check in with the people around them. Take a few minutes to think about the last time someone asked you how you are and was genuinely interested in your answer. Apart from our partner, it’s been a long time since this happened to us. This is probably also the case for your neighbor and they will really appreciate you checking in on them and asking them how they are. These conversations are also a great way to learn more about your neighbors, what their lives are like, and how the two of you can make life better for each other.

#3 – Establish Boundaries And Expectations As Early As Possible

Miscommunication and lack of communication lead to more arguments between neighbors than most of us realize. Being open with each other from the beginning is so important. If you share a fence, then talk to your neighbor about what their expectations are about this fence. Who is responsible for maintaining the fence? Who pays for it if the fence is damaged? Can you grow plants along the fence? If so, how tall can these plants be? Not knowing how your neighbor expects you to act could lead to them resenting you. If you talk to them and get a clear understanding of what each of you expects from the other, you can’t go wrong.

How To Be A Good Neighbor In 5 Simple Steps - good neighbors

#4 – Learn Your Neighbor’s Work Schedule

Another cause of arguments between neighbors is one neighbor thinking the other one is being inconsiderate. If you work nights and you need to sleep through the day – but you can’t because they are blaring music all day, every day. Then tell them! It is likely that they didn’t realize that you work nights and will be more than happy to wear headphones while they listen to music. So, when you first move into your new home, talk to your neighbors, let them know about your work schedule, and ask about theirs. The more you know about your neighbor, the more compassion you can show to them and they can show to you.

#5 – Know Your Rights

Our final piece of advice for becoming a good neighbor is to be aware of what your rights are and make sure that your neighbors don’t infringe on them. Many people think that a good neighbor wouldn’t confront their neighbors if they found out they were stealing your packages or looking through your window when they think you’re not looking. But this just isn’t true.

If you are having trouble with one of your neighbors, then it is likely that everyone on the street is having the same problem with them. You can help all your neighbors out by being the one to set boundaries and let them know that they are in the wrong. If you don’t know what your rights are, the Yard Pit can help you with that.


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