As much as we’d wish structural elements, like doors and windows, would last forever, there’s a point where neglecting to replace them can be dangerous to the rest of your house and family.
If you’re noticing that your center-hinged patio doors, 2-panel doors, or other doors in your house aren’t functioning like they used to, you may need to call an experienced repair expert.
9 Warning Signs You Need a Door Replacement
Make sure to call a local repairer if you notice the following warning signs. For example, this contractor operates in Kenosha County, Milwaukee, and can fix or replace your door right away.
1. Your Door Drags Across The Floor
A slight alignment problem can cause your door to drag across the floor, which can cause further structural damage to your home. If your door shifted over time due to weather exposure, you’ll have to replace the frame, door, and tracks (if applicable) to realign the door frame.
2. Your Door Makes a Lot of Noise
If your door scrapes across the ground, it may cause a lot of noise, but if you’re hearing wind, clanging, or a creaking noise, it’s a strong indicator that the door itself is wearing down. You probably only have to replace the actual door and not the hinges or frame to fix the problem.
3. Light Comes Through Your Door
A solid door without any clear or frosted glass shouldn’t bring in light from the outside. If light is coming through, under, or around your doors, it could mean the door is off its hinges, or it isn’t big enough to completely block outside elements, like wind, snow, rain, among other things.
4. You Feel a Draft Near Your Door
If light is coming through your door, it’s equally as likely that wind is also escaping through the same cracks. Another sign your home is leaching air through your doors or windows is a high electricity or gas bill. If they’re higher than normal, you may need to install weather stripping.
5. Visible Cracks, Wear, and Rust
Rusty metal doors, cracks in wood framing, and noticeable wear are strong signs that you need to replace your door right away. Remember that these signs of wear aren’t just eyesores; they’re also telling you that your door is structurally weak, which can become a safety concern.
6. Your Door Can’t Protect Your House
A door that looks flimsy or easy to break is a major security concern for you and your family. At no point do you want to advertise to criminals that your home is easy to break into. Even if you have an alarm or other forms of security, you should replace non-secure doors immediately.
7. You Had a Recent Break-In
Experiencing one home invasion is scary enough, but criminals often return to the same house within the same week or month if you haven’t upped your home’s security. With that in mind, you should immediately replace your door if it’s sustained significant damage from a break-in.
8. Pests Like to Creep Into Your Home
Ants, spiders, lizards, cockroaches, and other small insects and rodents will make themselves at home if you have large gaps or cracks in your door. A door that sits a little too high off the ground can be a welcome invitation to some critters, especially during the winter.
9. Your Door Has Insect or Fungi Damage
Instead of entering through your home via a crack, termites and other wood-eating insects may make an afternoon snack out of your door. If you have an untreated wood door or have suffered some structural damage, mold and mildew can seep in and destroy the wood from the inside.
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